Friday, January 2, 2009

The First Congratulatory Blog Post

That's right y'all, my best friend, best man, "best mate" for those in the U.K./Australia/South Africa/New Zealand, BFF, and several other titles is now MARRIED. For those who know, this is a BIG COMMITTMENT, ONE THAT WILL LAST FOR A LONG TIME. (*If you or anyone you know is interested in how your family can last forever, please email me at unicyclist (at) gmail (dot) com).

Jonathan Ware got married to Andrea Westover this morning, and I couldn't be happier about it. Here's a picture of those snazzy kids, likely the first one to make it to the internet.

I'n'at nice?

Now, while there is always some friendly competition that exists amongst us men, I really *really* don't want to hear anything about being "in the hole," "on deck," "next in line," or any sort of references, sports based or not, about me needing to get married.

Attention readers: if you're not reading the labels under the posts, you're missing out.


Jennifer said...

Dang it! You beat me to the post. ;) Just kidding. I love the labels that you left on the bottom. You're so funny Jon! Also I busted up laughing when you said, i'n'at nice. I could totally hear you saying that in my head. Along with seeing your facial expression too. Also your little blurb about how families can last forever? Seriously Jon, you're amazing!

Hilarie Ann said...

So, how many people gave you the "get married" nudge BEFORE you were prompted to write this post and certain comments within it?