Thursday, March 5, 2009

Too Good to Pass Up?

Yeah. . . Without getting into too many details (like names), I feel a sense of civic duty to inform my loyal readers of current goings-on.

1) It's nearing 80 degrees Fahrenheit in my apartment. It's about 35 degrees Fahrenheit outside. This is not an accident. All of us but one are suffering. I'm on the verge of breaking a sweat, and it's making me feel sick. That's right-- one of us "roomies" has an internal heat regulating problem, is in reality sick, and doesn't seem to notice/care about our complaints.

2) Said roommate is listening to a charming mix of SHOW TUNES AND CHRISTMAS MUSIC. LOUDLY. AND SINGING ALONG. I AM NOT KIDDING. The Little Mermaid was great when I was 5, but it's getting old. Oh, and think that's bad? Ever heard of a charming little tune called "Christmas Shoes?" I didn't have the words or courage to tell him to turn it off. (Please notice the date of this posting.) Oh, here's a country song. Joy. It's getting close to the time where noise-canceling headphones are about to become a necessity.

So, I hope you can feel my pain. I think it's therapeutic to write about this kind of thing, even if it sounds like I'm a whiner.

Do you all like the new "decorations" on the blog? I can't really say anything about them, or I'll get in trouble. But I hope you enjoy them. Kind of statement makers, don't you think?


Melinda said...

Sounds to me like BYU needs to have a Spring Break! (I always hated that we didn't, and everyone else did.) Not only to get away from teachers and homework, but other things too. :) Hang in there. Only about a month left? Or are you going to do spring/summer?

Laurie S said...

OMGsh! Welcome to my world when we visit the in laws in Afton, Wyoming. It's hot in the summer because they don't have a/c, and it's hot in the winter because they turn their heat up to 78. I am always sneaking around, opening windows. And trying to drink extra water, so I don't dehydrate from the extra sweating. We always pack and wear shorts when we go to Afton.