Monday, November 17, 2008

Another Ode

Not to offend you, dear reader, but I'm really sweaty right now. And I couldn't be happier about it. I've recently discovered something that I get increasingly passionate about, and that something is running. I just ran approximately 4.15 miles-- hence the sweat-- and I feel great. I mean, seriously. There is so much cliché when it comes to running, ("no pain no gain,"), but A) I'm not in pain, and B) I still seem to have gained a lot.

I have a goal to run a half marathon in January, and it looks like I still have quite a ways to go to be ready for that, but it's just part of my bigger goal to run a full marathon next October.

I never thought I'd really get into running, but what with my slowly expanding collection of running gear, I realize that I'm taking it pretty seriously, and seriously loving it. Expect to hear more about this. . . I'm too distracted/busy to write more right now.


Hilarie Ann said...

Running can be addicting. My mom used to run marathons and such and she said she couldn't stand going a day without running a few miles...
I am slightly jealous...
but still, it all comes down to actually DOING something and not saying "I should"... (I'm good at saying that)

Jennifer said...

Yay!! Jon has a blog!