Alright y'alls, I know it's been way too long. But keep your eyeballs locked on the computer machine, because you're about to get your minds blown when I head down south, because I'm'a start updating weekly.
In the mean time, let's have some of what I like to call "brain dumpage," so you can know what's been going on a little bit:
-I almost got sprayed all over with Roundup (NOTE: highly toxic substance) AND almost run over by a large truck whilst atop a lawn mower (NOTE: the truck was inches from the lawn mower) today at work-- within about 30 seconds. It was epic.
-Some guys across the street are rappelling down the side of the apartment complex across the street from me right now. I don't want to watch someone die, so I'm in here typing.
-Also at work: I got what I would call a "retro-active" raise, meaning that the money I would have earned had I gotten a raise when I should have was recently deposited into my account to the value of a hefty sum. It was great.
-My roommate Chad up and moved out the other day, so now I finally have space, er, a guilt-free place for all my junk to be. Nothing has changed postiion really, it's just not in anyone's way but mine.
-Nelson (brother in law), Michael and Sarah Judson and I did an overnight backpacking trip on Lone Peak this weekend, hence the picture. It was amazing. I got to test out a lot of my gear for the first time, and it was all great. I can't imagine the trip having gone over better.
-As a result of said trip, I got sunburned for the first time in years. My nose turned red and is peeling a little right now, but you can't tell. That's what bright sun and glacial snow can do to you.
-It seems to be more believable to my brain that I'm actually going to Brazil next week. The feeling of it all still hasn't really sunk in, as they say, but nonetheless the truth is that I'm leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when I'll be back again.
-I think I have a good chance of passing my engineering class (ME 172), provided my TA stays true to his word about not coming to class. He got swine flu. No joke.
-Lest you think otherwise, single, eligible females continue to make little to no sense.
-Lest I leave this tab open forever (like so many others), I'm going to post this as is. Hope you enjoyed it.
1 comment:
I'm still really excited for you about Brazil! And not that I ever see you, but we sure will miss you!!!!
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